Dr. John and Dr. Sharon Bendixen, the founders of MiXchange Ministries, have been serving the Lord and have been on assignment for Him for the past few decades. Their personal walks with God and utter love for His people have propelled them in their purpose to meaningfully impact people with the Word of God.
The foundation of this ministry is to make choices daily to exchange with God and to assist people to close the gap between themselves and God. Dr. John and Dr. Sharon’s hearts are to reveal the Kingdom of God within the heart of every believer, empowering them to walk in the realm of the supernatural and in the truth of their covenant with God.
Teach My people about the Holy Spirit
Teach My people healing
Teach My people faith
Teach My people healing
Teach My people prosperity
Teach My people about the favor of God
Teach My people honor and accountability and about the order of God
Teach My people about Ecclesia and mobilize My army